Ten Book Recommendations for Healing and Personal Retreat

By Leah Eppen

Sometimes, settling down with a good book (or audio book!) can transform your heart just as much as an authentic chat with a friend or a fruitful therapy session. Below I hope to offer a concise and practical list of books on healing and personal retreat; however, it is important to note that this list is not exhaustive! There are plenty of other good books on healing and personal retreat worth exploring as well. 

Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance  by Neal Lozano

How many times have we all confessed the same sin over and over in confession? I had a priest once phrase it this way: “What is your favorite sin?” Satan knows just what buttons to push within us to influence our decisions. In Unbound, Lozano thoroughly and practically offers guidance to deliverance from these tendencies.

With a focused lens on God’s love and plan for your life, this book is meant to give you a helpful boost so you can find healing and freedom in your life and soul. The fruit of being delivered from sin is space for God to fill you with His Love and Mercy. In the words of Saint Augustine, “Suppose that God wishes to fill you with honey; but if you are full of vinegar, where will you put the honey?”

Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Father Jacques Philippe

Fr. Jacques Philippe is a wordsmith who doesn’t hesitate to say what he means––and he means what he says. This tiny treatise on finding peace and stillness in a world filled with anxiety, depression, confusion, and conflict is not only a nice read–it’s necessary. These few pages have the potential to change your life if you let them. In peace we can find healing because through peace of heart and mind, we are able to hear Truth.  

Interior Freedom by Father Jacques Philippe

I cannot shout any louder from the rooftops the power of this little vessel for God’s words. In Interior Freedom, we are called to carry within us a space for freedom and a tabernacle in our hearts for God that no one can take away from us. How often does Satan use our wounds, our suffering, and our brokenness to tear us away from a God who cries with us, loves us unconditionally, and fights for us to His dying breath… and then beyond

Imagine if you had better awareness of the sacred space within you, where no one can go and nothing can influence, except you? This book is a tool to help you build awareness of that space and find interior freedom.

Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life by Bob Schuchts

Be Healed made this list because it approaches healing from a “whole person” perspective: body, mind, and soul. And I honestly haven’t encountered enough Catholic and/or Christian books that use this approach! 

One of the foundations of the Christian faith is that God is Love, and I will always advocate for the belief that Love heals. As human beings journeying through all our unique stories and experiences, we commonly share a limitation for understanding the complete power of the love of God––how it heals, elevates, purifies, and creates. 

With practical steps included to guide you through exercises, this book is one for the shelf! 

Way to Inner Peace by Ven. Fulton J. Sheen

Another short book, similar to Fr. Jacques Philippe, Ven. Fulton Sheen writes insistently on the power of inner peace in conquering our frailties, brokenness, and perspectives on suffering–in ourselves and consequently, in the rest of the world.

Although published in 1955, it seems to me this book could have been written yesterday and I would barely notice, since the message and meaning is timeless! Most readers of this book will claim that this American priest offers so much wisdom in each page, the words of this book must be munched on slowly and frequently.

Here’s a juicy snippet: “The most intolerable punishment of the human soul is to live with itself and think of itself alone”. I’ve been mulling that over for two days now and I think I need a full week...

Healing: Bringing the Gift of God’s Mercy to the World by Mary Healy

In Matthew 8:8, the Centurion declares, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.”

Mary Healy writes charismatically on the subject of doubt, curiosity about God’s healing abilities, and the questions that arise as we encounter suffering, tribulation, pain, and brokenness. The Centurion demonstrates the ultimate trust, surrender, and loyalty that frees him to be okay with whatever Jesus decides to do for him.

Not only does this book provide insight and answers to questions about your own healing journey, but it guides you to think about the healing of those in your life as well; how healing ripples outward like a drop in still water and reaches out to influence others.

Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation by Father Josh Johnson

Written for Millenials and young Catholics in modern culture, this book by Fr. Josh Johnson takes a larger scale view of current and emerging difficulties for a modern Catholic community. Brokenness at community and societal levels needs healing too and since each one of us makes up the living church, we have roles to play in this mission. 

Specific to new realities and adversities that may face young Catholics, Fr. Johnson approaches the topic from personal and theological stances that are relatable and helpful for pretty much everyone!

The Broken Way: A Daring Path Into the Abundant Life by Ann Voskamp

A core theme of this book is that it is never too late to live your life out of a place of abundance. You are never too old, too broken, or too weathered to receive God’s grace. In truth, His grace is overflowing, waiting for you to accept it.

St. Faustina writes in her diary (1107), “God never violates our free will. It is up to us whether we want to receive God’s grace or not. It is up to us whether we will cooperate with it or waste it.”

In The Broken Way, Voskamp communicates a clear understanding of St. Faustina’s advice: you can be broken and loved. There is no waiting until you’re ‘perfect’ (whatever that means) or healed before you can be an heir to His Kingdom and a vessel to share with others his goodness and beauty. 

Your brokenness is compatible with God’s grace and goodness. And you don’t have to wait to receive it.

Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat by Father Michael Gaitley

As a homemaker and creative, I love a good DIY project. And what’s better than a DIY retreat for the heart and soul? This personal retreat by Fr. Michael Gaitley fits the bill. I’ve actually finished it three times so far and I usually approach it over the course of a weekend (Friday to Sunday), but it can be done however you like!  

This book merges the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Faustina, and St. Louis de Monfort… all in all, Saints who know a thing or two about healing and the heart of Christ.

A fairly easy read with practical guidance and exercises, this retreat offers an opportunity for you to strengthen your relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and find new depths in your heart for Him too.

I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux by Father Jean C. J. D’Elbée

There is not much I can say to endorse this personal retreat apart from the fact that it actively works with your heart to help you truly understand Jesus doesn’t need anything from you apart from your ‘yes’ to let Him in and let Him work. Here is a lovely excerpt to get you started:

How can we not ask at every turn, 'What is going to happen? How will this turn out?' The main thing is not to consent consciously to anxiety or a troubled mind. The moment you realize you are worrying, make very quickly an act of confidence: 'No, Jesus, You are there: nothing–nothing–happens, not a hair falls from our heads, without Your permission. I have no right to worry." Perhaps He is sleeping in the boat, but He is there. He is always there. He is all-powerful; nothing escapes His vigilance. He watches over each one of us 'as over the apple of His eye.' He is all love, all tenderness.

I hope this little list is helpful to you and that you find wonderful things from what you read. Grab a cup of something warm, curl up, and enjoy! 


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