Unique Ways To Celebrate Mary This Month

It’s the month of Mary! We have several ways for you to grow in your devotion to the Mother of Our Lord these next few weeks, and we tried to make them as fun and unique as possible!

1) Grow a Mary Garden

Plant blue and white flowers such as Irises, phlox, or roses (all perennials!) to honor our Blessed Mother. If you don’t have much space, use a planter and stick your little Mary statue in it. Bonus points if you adorn your Mary statue with a little flower crown!

2) Thrift Mary

One of my favorite things is visiting the “trinkets” section at Good Will where shelves are often consumed by snow globes, angel statues from the 1990s, bunny porcelain pieces, and so on; but often hiding behind that are vintage religious statues. Be open minded when hunting for these pieces: sometimes there’s incomplete nativity sets available for individual sale (snatch that Blessed Mother!), or if the colors aren’t your thing, paint it!

3) Bring Mary Into Your Wardrobe

Check out this "Dress Like Mary Challenge:" Rosary Edition from Litany NYC! Litany shares, “The hope is that as we arm ourselves with the rosary, we are reminded of this reality in our clothing by choosing to wear certain garments each day as a reflection of the mysteries of Jesus’ life.”

4) Attend a Saturday Mass (That’s Not A Vigil!)

We know, a daily Saturday Mass is oddly so much harder to get to then that random Wednesday Mass. But did you know on most Saturdays of the year, priests can offer a votive Mass in honor of the Virgin Mary and in the Liturgy of the Hours there is a specific set of prayers and readings that can be prayed in her honor as well.

5) Create Your Own Rosary Mysteries

I often forget the Luminous Mysteries were added not that long ago (did you know they were created by a former Satanist?!). Next time you pray the rosary, pause beforehand and write out five of your own unique mysteries. They could chronicle the hidden years of Mary (perhaps it’s reflecting on her motherhood as a mother to a toddler, to a child, to a teen…), or maybe you create mysteries based on specific miracles Jesus performed. It’s up to you!

6) Check out a Marian playlist

We love when others compile playlists for us, such as Be A Heart’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Playlist on spotify!

7) Yeah, we’re gonna say it: read a book

If you haven’t read a spiritual classic on the Blessed Mother, IT IS TIME! There’s so many to choose from. Our personal favorite is Fulton Sheen’s World's First Love, but it’s also hard to top St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotions. Two books on our To Read List: Caryll Houselander’s The Reed of God and Peter Kreeft’s The Greatest Philosopher Who Ever Lived.

8) Take part in a Marian procession

Public piety—two words we don’t hear very often in the United States. But let’s be bold and take our faith to the streets by participating in a local Church’s Marian procession. They’re a bit more common in cities, so we’d suggest checking out your local Basilica to learn about any upcoming processions this month!

9) Drink something blue

There’s so many fun new drinks that are blue! We’ve had our eyes on this Blue Latte made from the Butterfly Pea Flower! Or just go for the ready-to-make blue tea like this one here.

10) Follow West Coast Catholic’s Mary Series

Mari over at West Coast Catholic will be starting #MaryMondays. Learn more about it here!


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