Extraordinarily Mundane



By Georgina Schooler

I work. A full 8 hours, every Monday through Friday. An office job may be ideal to some though I have struggled to accept that a job is better than no job. Because let's be honest, it gets...boring. Answering a phone and repeating the slogan of your company over and over again isn't exactly a riveting career. Many of us may enjoy the routine life, but what happens when we become worn of our own schedules? We go to school, we graduate, and then we are thrown into the career world with expectations of landing our dream jobs at the click of an application submission.

Many of us get very bored, very quickly. It’s within our human nature to want more than what we have. Once we embed ourselves into a routine, we immediately feel the panic over shadow us as we think, “Is this it?!” Even the Bible is filled with exciting stories, book after book, about how God intervened and changed people's lives. I often think, “Why doesn’t God speak to me the way He spoke to Joseph the Dreamer?” I may sound whiney, but these are the challenges I encounter when I feel as though I've been overlooked.

During meditation, I often plea, "Father, place me in a position that you’ve aligned for me!” And then nothing happens…thirty job applications later and no opportunity comes knocking on my door, no call backs for a first interview, just straight up nada. Feeling rejection is incredibly tough, but feeling as though God has rejected our dreams and desires is devastating.

As I start to really deal with this, I begin to realize that God is answering me. His Word reassures us in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." He didn't just say this in passing, He declared it, meaning He expressed it in a solemn and emphatic matter. It's a part of our covenant with Him and it sounds like He means business on His end of the deal. This means one thing: He’s placed us in this very moment and situation and we are growing in this place to fulfill His perfect will.

Whether we are caught in a dreaded routine schedule, feeling as though we serve no purpose in our current environment, or feeling as though we have been overlooked, God makes no mistake in where He's positioned you. That in itself is extraordinary! My heart fills with joy knowing that He thought long before my existence, "Georgina needs to be the one to do this." He has purposefully called you into that position and He is preparing your heart.

Let’s all hold our heads high with knowledge that The Holy Spirit is on our side, and let’s take a moment to appreciate the subtle life we are currently living. As we leave our cares at the foot of the cross, we begin to see the plan that God has set out for us.

I walked out of work today and saw God's beautiful sky. Timed perfectly, the sun set painted the sky a beautiful mixture of pink, purple, and orange. God's beautiful gift to me was a reminder to be grateful even in the mundane. Extraordinarily mundane.


One Day


It Has An Ugly Name